Sunday, September 07, 2008


Was Told To Do This Survey By Anak Zakariah ,Afida.

1 Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket ?
- Japan

2 What's your favourite thing to do ?
- Being Sarcastic

3 Do you think money can buy happiness ?
- Perhaps ?

4 If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be ?
- A Trip To Mars

5 Things you can't live without :
- Friends A Definite Need In Life

6 What are you afraid to lose ?
- My Life

7 If you win $1 million dollars, what would you do ?
- Use It To Rob A Bank

8 What do you dream of doing in the future ?
- Hibernating

9 List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey:
- Cannot Stop Talking/Laughing
- Always Cheerful
- Has The Same Father's Name As Me XD

10 What makes you happy ?
- Agitating People In a Hilarious Way

11 What type of person do you hate the most ?
- Arrogant

12 If you have a super power what would it be ?
- Never Grow Old ? I Wanna Stay 15 Forever :P

13 Would you go for happiness or money ?
- Can I Go For Both ? 50/50

14 Who do you think is the most important people in your life ?
- Friends And Family

15 If you have a girlfriend, would you die for him ?
- No ? It Depends

16 Who's the last person who hugged you ?
- Forgot

17 What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
- Sleep -,- Look At Time

18 Who are you close to ?
- Arif ,Firdaus ,Sufie ,Nadiah ,Kaiwen ,Marilyn

19 Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like him ?
- Hmmm. . .

20 If you could do one thing all over again what would it be ?
- Change The Path I Lead

21 7 things that scare you:
- Ghost
- Horror Movies
- Surgery Doctors
- Human Eating Feaces
- Anythings Else ? . . .
- Ummm . . .

22 7 things that you like/love the most:
- My Laptop
- My Psp
- My Friends
- My self
- My Family
- Ummm. . .
- Ummm. . .

23 7 important things in my room:
- Laptop
- My 2 Fans
- Pillow
- Bed
- Wardrobe
- Alarm Clock
- Piggy Bank

7 people to do this questionnaire :
- Azmeran
- Huixia
- Denise
- Ching Na
- Anyone
- You
- Your Greatgrandfather ,Son's Wife, Grandchild


That's All
Take Care