I will never understand why some people on MySpace pretend to be other people. I guess it's a relatively simple thing to do with no real consequences. If one were to ever get caught red-handed, he/she could simply drop off the face of the world (wide web). And probably create another account posing as someone else, sadly enough.
Perhaps they pose as somebody else because their personal life just isn't exciting enough for them. Maybe they enjoy having two different personas, sort of like a weird reality-meets-virtual-reality-Dr.Jekyll-Mr.Hyde thing. Or it could be that they're twisted and they enjoy lying and deceiving others. No. Wait. I got it. They must be INCREDIBLY UGLY! That's it, isn't it?! You never hear someone pretending to be another person whose face looks like a hybrid of a giraffe and a baboon's ass. Therefore, I have reason to believe that they are extremely hideous and that's why they pretend to be another person who's usually extremely good-looking.
Whatever the case may be, if you are a poser of some sort, please tell me why you do it. I find it very intriguing. (And yes, I do realize that no one will actually come forward because they must always stay in character!)
The first encounter I've ever had with a "fake" (as they're known in Internet culture), was from a person pretending to be a buxom female blonde. I read her "About me" and she called herself some Swedish-sounding name. But when I looked through her pictures, I discovered that one of the photos had another female's name as a caption. I Googled it and it turned out to be the name of a pornstar. (That's a lie, of course. I didn't Google it. I didn't need to. I recognized the name in a split-second because of the copious amounts of pornography that I watch.) I then confronted the person who owned the profile and told her that I knew she wasn't who she claimed to be. She admitted she wasn't the person in the photo and that she was, in fact, a he! He couldn't believe how many guys fell for it. I couldn't either.
As I looked over the comments that had been left from other guys, too many had said that "she" was gorgeous, and for some strange reason, they referred to her as "baby gurl." Surely, all of these horny guys were delusional. There was no way that the curvaceous woman in the photo was an infant.
In any case, it was amazing how many guys were fooled into believing that this gentleman was a scantily-clad woman. People will believe anything on the Internet! (Ahem. I Dont Watch Porn.)
My second involvement with an Internet imposter happened recently as I was looking through my friends list. My eyes stopped on a picture of a girl who looked familiar to me. I clicked on her profile and looked at her pictures. "How intriguing," I thought to myself while my right eyebrow slowly raised. One of the pictures that this girl had was exactly the same profile picture of another girl on my friends list! (How sad is that? Seriously. Why would you add me as a friend if the person who you stole the picture off of is already a friend of mine?! Good lord. THINK, PEOPLE! THINK!)
The problem with this is that I don't personally know these two individuals. How do I know which MySpace friend is the real girl in the photo?! I don't. Which is hilarious to me. Do I question both of them about it? No, because their answers would prove nothing. Of course both of them will tell me that they're the "real" girl. And one of them will no doubt feel betrayed because it would appear as if I don't trust her and had to ask if she really is who she says she is. (Probably one of the best lose-lose situations ever.)
Actually, it'd be even more hilarious if neither girl was actually the girl in the photo. I really hope that's the case because it'd be so sad and pathetic that it would become the greatest thing I've ever witnessed in my life.
Another thing that I find hilarious is when I think of how many people I offended by writing this entry. Who knows how many fakes are out there? And who knows if they take their faking ways too seriously and will actually be outraged by this? I love it.
In conclusion, I will never believe anyone is who they say they are on MySpace. Unless you have videos of yourself to back it up. Then again, it's the 21st Century and with the advent of increasingly cheap and sophisticated computer technology, you could probably pull off your fakeness with a computer-generated person. Argh. I give up. I don't trust anyone on here anymore. Not that I ever did. I mean, come on, it's the Internet. Over time, people will end up becoming completely different than who you thought they were. I've heard and seen it way too many times. Trust no one. It's a cruel, cruel world (wide web).
That's All
Take Care